15 October 2011

Life is delicious - literally!

Greg and I went to the Baltimore Book Festival a couple of weekends ago, and we really didn't pick up all that much, to be honest. However, we did buy a few cookbooks - he's wonderfully supportive of my hobby of occasionally trying out recipes and learning more about how to make really good meals.

One of the cookbooks that we bought - for five measly bucks, yet - was one by Cristina Ferrare. Apparently she has some cooking show on the Oprah Channel, or whatever it is (I wouldn't know, as I find Oprah detestable at best).

Greg decided that he would surprise me tonight with dinner. Normally I'll cook on the weekends, because he has to work a good deal of the time and I always have more free time than he does. Well, surprise me he did - with Chicken Piccata and mashed potatoes from scratch, probably one of the best meals I have ever had in my entire life. Eating that chicken literally brought tears of pleasure to my eyes.

And I'm not usually a chicken kind of woman. :D

There is nothing, nothing, nothing better on this planet than a man who not only knows how to cook, but takes pure pleasure in it!

Yes. I officially proclaim myself the luckiest woman alive. (grin)

He'd just better watch out, I have a couple of recipes lined up from The Vegetarian Epicure to hit him with... :D


Cheryl Chamberlain said...

yeah... i've been trying out two vegetarian meals a week. i got a veg cookbook from pampered chef the other week, but of course half the crap in there you have to prepare with their fancy kitchen gadgets, and i just don't have the money or the space right now to start my collection. i'll be so glad when we move to base into a house or townhouse and have an actual kitchen, instead of something that looks like what you get checking into a 1950's hotel.. LOL

carrie. said...

We have no kitchen. :( That's the first major thing that's being upgraded when I/we move - and that will happen, I'm afraid, as the house is now in.... we'll just say the neighborhood's not improved any and leave it at that.

Definitely interested in cooking more vegetarian recipes. Greg's not a big fan of meat in general (except for chicken), which I guess is a good thing because if he won't eat it, I'm not likely to fix it just for myself, either. I've been wanting to get into a bit more of a veggie mindset, though, anyway. I quit eating red meat a LONG time ago, so it's only a matter of time before the rest goes away, too, I suppose.

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