I've given this blog some thought recently. That is, whether or not I want to continue it. I know, I've threatened that one before, but this time I'm wondering if it's truly worth keeping up.
The reason why I'm contemplating this now is that, of course, it's spring and because it's spring, I'm thinking "spring cleaning". I have a lot more skills than simply throwing a blog up on Google or whatever - I could really make this something, if I want to. But the truth of it is that I have two "subscribers". And a lot of spam traffic from Russia, heh. I really don't think that anyone reads this anymore, which is okay by me, as it was never really meant to be anything but a place where I could whine and bitch and moan. :p
So, I'm wondering if it's worth keeping up - or at least worth moving to my own server, redoing fancy graphics for, etc. I mean, I'd love to do that if I thought that I'd keep up with it, or that it served a purpose other than what it is. You know?
Maybe I'm just searching for another purpose in life since my college education is now winding to an end. I graduate in ten days. Can you freaking believe it?
I need to think about this. The true fact of the matter is that I probably won't do a thing about it. But it's nice to have dreams, heh.
I may move my stuff, but if I do, I'll make sure and let the few of you who still read here know, heh. :p
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