07 June 2013

Diversions and decisions.

After giving it some thought, I have finally decided just what I'm going to do about this blog; I'm not exactly going to get rid of it (because, after all, it's a piece of history, however shitty it might be), but... I think it's time to perhaps move it to a different source.  I've decided on WordPress, for now; but in time, my own small server may not be amiss.  I still don't have a great deal of time to devote to writing in it or designing it, for now, but WordPress allows a lot more customization, which appeals.  I'll definitely be doing something with it - I don't know exactly what, though.  I don't really seem to have much to say, or if I do, I honestly don't think it's important enough to say it.  But, eh.  Time will tell.

Still waiting on a decision from Boston MET.  They said it could be up to three weeks, so I'm not exactly pining by a phone or checking my Email every 5 minutes.  I figure that if they don't take me, UMUC always will - they took me for the bachelor's, so why not this?  In the meantime, I'm trying to relax (which is usually a foreign concept for me).

Greg is out of town again - this time it's kid #2's high school graduation.  I'm still not happy about it, but at least he'll only be gone for 36 hours this time as opposed to 4 days.  I made damned sure that he got his own hotel and car this time, because I had to throw out the luggage he used last year. It smelled like dirty dog hair and the smoke of a thousand cigarettes.  Fucking GROSS, okay?  I don't know what kind of a person his ex-wife is, but really - the way that bag smelled when he got home, I thought I was going to puke then and there.  Seriously? 

I'm still not involved much with his family, but I think I'm going to choose that route.  There's just too much dysfunction going on, and I have enough to recover from with my own situation(s) without adding his into the mix.  No, thank you.

Work is the same.  I've applied for a small leadership program class for the summer, but I don't know if I'll get that, either.  There's only two spots and a LOT of people applied, so the chances aren't good.  But I'll hope, anyway, even if it's futile.  It's like the Powerball, you just never know.

Random closing thought of the day, speaking of Powerball:  how come the only people that ever win that shit are either mega-tons years old that won't live another ten years to enjoy it, or people that just flat out don't need the money and have enough to live comfortably even without it?  What's up with that shit?  They need to pick numbers that a struggling, middle class Federal government worker has on their ticket - preferably a struggling middle class Fed worker that's female, Caucasian, 41 years old, married, has three cats....

....oh, wait.  That might be asking a bit much.  :D

Can you imagine what would happen if I ever did win that shit, though?  A Federal government worker winning all that money?  Do you KNOW what the court of public opinion would say on that one?  I don't even want to THINK about that.  Ugh.

More changes coming soon.

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